Enrollment is always open.

HiSET Program:

HiSET classes are currently offered Monday through Thursday, from 9:00 AM to 12:30 PM. We are considering opening another time slot as well. 

Women In Charge requires HiSET participants to be at least 16 years of age, free from chemical dependence, and willing to make a commitment to the program. Participants also must follow other policies in place to ensure their enrollment such as:

Attendance Policy: Progress will be achieved only by consistent attendance. Participants are required to attend a minimum of four days within a two week period. Extensive absence will result in the loss of your spot in the program. (Exceptions to this policy will be made in cases of illness or prearranged absences. Participants are expected to attend  every class.

Academic Progress: All participants are expected to make academic progress for every 60 hours of classroom time. Those not showing any progress will be evaluated.

If you are ready to make a serious commitment, the first step is to submit this student application. For more information about enrollment requirements, please call/text 314-432-7300 or email Mary King at mary@womenincharge.org

ESL Program:

ESL classes can be scheduled Monday through Sunday, from 9:00 AM to 07:00 PM, based upon our volunteers and students availability. Both men and women are welcome to enroll. 

Women In Charge requires ESL participants to be at least 18 years old and willing to make a serious commitment to the program by having regular and consistent attendance, being on time and active in their own learning, and completing their homework assignments.

To enroll, submit our student application form electronically. For more information about ESL enrollment, please call/text 314-432-7300 or email esl@womenincharge.org

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